19-Day Close Process at Momentum Mortgage Group

19-Day Close Process at Momentum Mortgage Group

Our streamlined loan review process can help you buy or refinance in just 19 days. Here’s how it works:

  1. Within 3 days of submitting your application, you must submit your income, assets and credit documentation.
    • A Loan Originator will work closely with you to obtain all required documentation, ensure that it’s complete and accurate, and submit it to loan processing.
  2. An appraisal will be ordered, a title search will be completed, and property insurance will be verified.
    • A Loan Processor will review your documentation and submit it to underwriting within 24 hours.
  3. Your loan will be assigned to an Underwriter to complete an initial review within 48 hours.
    • If conditions are required, your loan will be sent back to the processor to work with you to clear conditions within 2 days.
  4. Your loan will be sent to an underwriter for final review. The Underwriter will issue a clear to close (CTC) and assign the loan back to the processor who will inform all parties of the CTC, verify the closing date and time, and place the loan in the closing queue. The closer will have 24 hours to provide closing documentation to the settlement agent.
  5. You’ll close and sign any remaining documentation.

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